Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Southern California Nuclear Radiation Monitoring Station

EnviroReporter has set up a nuclear radiation monitoring station in their Santa Monica office. They take reading every ten minutes and have it streaming live online. Current levels are normal.

This is just one reason why the internet can be so good - transparency. You better believe that I don't trust on the US government to give me accurate information. There is much too much corporate involvement and private interest in government. The people with a vested interest in nuclear power will do everything they can to keep the general public unaware of the dangers of nuclear radiation. If people know radiation is coming to California from Japan then there may be calls to halt our own nuclear endeavors (which there obviously should be), which is why industry will do anything it can to silence concerns - including flat out lying. But alas, now we have an independent, non government related website to monitor radiation levels for us. This is the beauty of the internet (for now).


  1. Why thank you, Erica! Do know we have readings coming in every second and several times a day/night, we take ten-minute aggregate readings which then yield a Counts Per Minute reading that is far more accurate than just looking at the Radalert Inspector Nuclear Radiation Monitor.

    This is a transparent process and I'm glad you value that. We invite people with questions and (especially) with Geiger Counters to contact us so they can join the Radiation Station for free and share their data.

    Michael Collins

  2. Hey Michael, if you read this, please consider publishing a baseline reading. The numbers 40 to 50 really don't mean much to me. But if I knew that baseline was 15... they would. Thank you.

  3. Lenny, I don't know about a baseline - although I've heard numbers like 40 and 45 (CPM?) being thrown around - but I think the alert level is 130 CPM.

  4. See here also:

    I mean usa the 12 tril economy but I have to rely in a individual in LA to send levels reports through Justin TV!!!!( thank you Michael)...then on a anonymous source ??? yeah not cool. Government here failed once again in times of crisis. I have 0 trust in my government today. Mostly of those are fascists in the White House and in California Government, only caring to the interest of big corps, and F the people. Everyone knows that, all see that. Noone does shit about it.
