Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Mom's Visit

Posts about my Mom's visit to NYC coming soon..

Statue of Liberty
My Mom and me at the Statue of Liberty

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Buddhist Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Buddha of Medicine Bhaishajyaguru, 1319
Russell has been in New york City nearly two months now and finally I had the chance to take him to the Met. He really liked the fact that entry to the museum is based on donations rather than a set fee. of course they have a recommended donation level, something like $20 for adults and $15 for students, but we offered to donate $10 for the both of us, which was fine with the cashier.

This was my second time at the Met, and there were still many things that I had not seen on my first visit and even more things that I got to take a better look at, especially now that I know what types on things I really enjoy. My favorite area still remains the Buddhist and Hindu art and artifacts section (this is Russell's favorite as well). I was able to meditate under this giant Buddha and could hear a string and piano quartet playing in the great hall, not only could I hear the music, but I could feel each note and harmony flowing through me. It was a little slice of heaven.

As far as paintings go, I still can't say that I enjoy contemporary art, but I do like modern art. My favorites still remain Monet, van Gogh, and Picasso, but I discovered that I found myself recurrently enjoying the work of a fellow named Juan Gris.

After spending a few hours in the museum Russell and I headed up to the rooftop for the sunset and a drink. Perfect end to another wonderful day.

Met Rooftop View
Sunset from the Met Rooftop

Friday, September 17, 2010

Millennium Network Event With President Clinton at the Brooklyn Bowl

President Clinton Enjoying the Music - Clinton Foundation Millinneum Network Event
Backstage view of President Clinton enjoying Grave Shift
I can't even begin to say how amazing last night was. The Millennium Network Event took place last night at the Brooklyn Bowl. A huge black suburban (was that as Escalade?) with leather seats and black tinted windows came to pick me up from the Clinton Foundation offices at 2pm - yes, a huge car all for me, insane, I know. The driver took my to the Brooklyn Bowl so I could help prepare for the event. That was the last time I would sit down until 1am.

I arrived at the Brooklyn Bowl, got the walk through, and was put straight to work. This is when the tornado-storm hit. Lightning every 5 seconds, followed by a torrential downpour (see my photo),  heavy winds, and ping-pong sized hail - although it wasn't cold, which is, for my understanding, one of the reasons why it was such a massive burst in such a short time period. It all lasted about 15 minutes. Back to work.

After putting some finishing touches on the gift bags I began checking in the volunteers who began arriving I finally had a chance to change into my dress, which I have been looking for a reason to wear. Then - show time!

Chaka Khan at the Clinton Foundation Millinneum Network Event, NYC
Chaka Khan coming back onstage for her encore
My task was to shadow the event director, which meant that I was outfitted with a walkie-talkie ear peace and microphone - one of those sweet little ones that the secret service wears - and ran around everywhere. Mostly I was in the VIP lounge and backstage helping to make the directors job a bit easier. It was a lot of work but still very rewarding. I was able to meet actors Michelle Rodriguez, Peter Sarsgaard, and Maggie Gyllenhaal (so beautiful in person, btw), rapper Talib Kweli, and singing legend Chaka Khan.

President Clinton was supposed to arrive, quickly take photos, speak for 5-10 minutes and then head straight out after his very long day. You could tell he was exhausted, but a guy in the crowd still yelled, "You look good!" to which President Clinton responded, "I'm not sure anyone believes you when you say that to a man my age," to huge laughter. That, I think, was when the whole mood shifted and he got on a roll. He gave a great talk. First, it started with a story I have already heard about an African Village (basically that uneducated villagers were able to come together and make decisions that were good for their community, good for their economy, and good for their environment - just because people aren't educated does not mean that they don't know what is best for them), but then he began moving towards more political issues - the environment, the economy, health care - and it was amazing! Everything he said was really great. Really great. Everything I wanted to hear.

Clinton Foundation Millinneum Network Event
I even got to wear one of those secret service earpieces.
After he spoke - for a half hour! - Talib took the stage and rocked it! Backstage I was able to sneak in a few words with President Clinton - eep! This is my 4th time speaking to him now (I'm like BFFs with his secret service detail - lol, but seriously), and I think maybe he recognized me because he stopped talking the Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Sarsgaard to shake my hand. This time I was so relaxed and not jittery at all (which is how my previous interactions with him have been - awkward), and had the presence of mind not to just say, "Nice to meet you," but rather, "Nice to see you again, my name is Erica." I told him that I wish I had heard what he had to say about the economy before I turned in my Econ paper yesterday! He responded with some nice hearty laughter - I don't know if that was just a really good courtesy laugh, but maybe what I said really was funny - even though I meant what I said!

It was already really great that President Clinton stayed to hear Talib although he was scheduled to make a quick exit, but then he stayed to watch Chaka Khan sing - she also rocked it, what a powerful voice! While she was singing he even took some time to take a little stroll around the Brooklyn Bowl (first "green" bowling alley in the US, being LEED Certified). It was great because everyone was enjoying Chaka Khan and hardly anyone noticed that he had come out from backstage. After Chaka finished up her set, plus a two song encore, the President wanted to hear a great group of youngsters called Grave Shift play (they had already played much earlier before Clinton or any of the other talent arrived). He introduced them, then sat at the keyboard to watch them play - I'm sure that will remain a highlight for those kids for a long time to come.

President Clinton Enjoying Grave Shift - Clinton Foundation Millinneum Network Event
Again, President Clinton enjoying Grave Shift
After the kids played two songs, President Clinton gave them hugs, waved goodbye, and was out the back door at nearly midnight - what was going to be a 30 minute event to him turned into a wonderful all-nighter. I've heard that if he feels a good vibe at the venue and a good vibe coming from the audience, it does not matter what his schedule was supposed to be, he will hang around for as long as he can, and that is exactly what happened last night. The whole night, although I was running around a lot, was a total success!

Of course there are always irritating things to deal with, like people trying to get backstage and such, but overall I had a great learning experience and a very fun (and tiring) day. I hope some day to be able to do that again!

Huffington Post also wrote a short piece about the event. Check it out here.

New York City Tornado - HUGE Storm!

UPDATE (Sat. 09/18/10): It has now been confirmed. Two tornadoes hit NYC during the storm - one in Brooklyn near the Brooklyn Bowl were we were preparing for the Millennium Network Event, the other in Queens.


Yesterday I was in Brooklyn when this HUGE storm passed through. It started with lightning every 10 seconds, then suddenly a downpour - seriously heaviest rain I have ever been in (well luckily I was inside preparing for the Millennium Event, but everybody went to the door to look at the crazy weather!). Then the wind picked up, hail the size of ping-pong balls started crashing down, and the rain became so intense that you could hardly see out the door! The street turned into a raging river (I read that there was 2 inches - more in some areas - of rain in the short 10-20 minute period). The wind roared up to 110 mph and apparently a tornado touched down nearby. I captured some video, but it is not nearly as hilarious as this video of two guys freaking out in Brooklyn!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/11: Ground Zero in New York City

Russell and I went down to Ground Zero - Russell's first time - to check out the crowds and protests that were guaranteed to take place this year. I am happy to report that there were many more people out there protesting for peace and acceptance as opposed to the folks who gathered to protest the "Ground Zero Mosque," which isn't really at ground zero, and isn't really even a mosque. Instead of telling you all about the people we saw on the streets, I will just post up a few of a mixed variety of photos I took that day.

There was a surprisingly large group or people asking for more inquires into the event

And many people believed it was an inside job.

The largest groups, by far, were the people protesting for peace and acceptance.

These people were in front of Building 7, "the smoking gun," as they called it.

Of course, there were people who were sharing their opinions about the Qur'an

These two were in quite a shouting match: "They are building a victory mosque, just like they do everywhere they attack," said the guy in the black jacket. I interviewed him on camera, but I haven't decided if I should post it up or not, I feel kind of bad for him.

Death to the terrorists, hanging on the cemetery fence overlooking Ground Zero.

This group had no agenda and said nothing - all they did was sing. And what a glorious song they sang. There were at least two groups singing around Ground Zero. I love how you can see the reflection of the Ground Zero construction site in the reflection of the building.

Firefighters Memorial NYC - 9/11/2010
A wreath at the firefighters memorial

Red was the color of the day

Red Tide in New York Harbor
Even the Hudson Bay was red (due to a serious case of red tide)

Russell overlooking the construction site

Monday, September 13, 2010

Laundry - New York Style

One of the best things about New York City is the laundry. Being that most rentals don't come with in-home laundry, I have gotten used to cherishing every quarter that comes my way. And unlike the places I have rented in California, most rentals in NYC don't have on-site laundry facilities - which is why there are laundromats every three blocks.

Laundry, New York Style
Laundry, New York style.
There were a few times in San Diego when I would just go to the laundromat and do a huge laundry session. That means I have to stay at the laundromat for however many hours making sure my clothes didn't get stolen. Although, where I lived in SD even this rule was lax, and I had no problem grabbing a burrito while I waited.. mmm burrito... But in NYC nobody leaves their clothes unattended, because they will surely get jacked. On the weekends, though, who wants to be sitting around in a muggy laundromat waiting for the washer and dryer.. NOT ME, that's for sure, especially since there is so much to see and do in this city. So what do the lovely people of New York have to offer to people like me? That's right, laundry service.

I go to my local laundromat with my bag of clothes, put it on a scale, and pay by the pound. Of course it is a bit more expensive to do laundry this way, but it's totally worth it. I come home in the evening to warm, perfectly folded, good smelling, clean clothes! Amazing!

It is best to always have 10 lbs. or more because even if you only have 5 lbs. you will still get charged for 10 lbs. (hey they still need to pay the water and electricity bills, and it costs the same for them to run a machine regardless if you give them 5 lbs. or 10 lbs.).

My only question: why don't we have this in California?!?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Slackline in Harlem NYC

Russell and I discovered this sweet little slackline place overlooking the Hudson River - and only a block away from our house! Not the best slackline session of all time, but still damn fun! I still need to put up video of us slacklining at Niagara Falls - but first - enjoy Harlem Slackline:

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Red Velvet Cheesecake from Magnolia Bakery

Red Velvet Cheesecake
Eating red velvet cheesecake. Mmm.
This last weekend I was finally able to take Russell to get some delicious Indian food. I know most people would not consider going out to lunch at Grand Central Terminal as something that fantastic, maybe equal to eating at a mall somewhere, but in my opinion the food is delicious and there are no long lines.

Of course I got potato samosas with chutney (yum!) and Russell got rice with lentils and beans. Everything was great.

Whenever I go to Grand Central I have to get a mini cheesecake from the Magnolia Bakery - seriously best cheesecake ever. And from what I understand, the lines at the other shops are quite long, obviously because everything they serve is delicious, but I have only seen a max of three people in line at the Grand Central location. I normally get the vanilla bean cheesecake - simple and delicious - but they were out, so I decided to go for the red velvet cheesecake.

Red Velvet Cheesecake
Red velvet cheesecake from the Magnolia Bakery
I have only just been introduced to red velvet. The development team (the team I work with at the Clinton Foundation) brings in little cupcakes whenever an intern leaves, and since I am the last remaining intern, I have had the chance to sample a variety of flavors. This is how I discovered red velvet. Delicious.

The Magnolia Bakery has combined the most delicious cupcake flavor I have tasted and smooth texture of red velvet with the spine tingling deliciousness of cheesecake and an Oreo cookie crust - literally heaven on earth. I can't tell you how happy I was eating this cheesecake - how happy I am just recalling it!

I you ever come to New York go to any Magnolia Bakery and get a red velvet cheesecake. You won’t regret a single calorie.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lake Erie State Park - Dunkirk, Pennsylvania

I have been bogged down by writing about this Niagara trip, so I will summarize the rest here.

Slackline at Lake Erie State Park, NY
Slacklining at Lake Erie State Park

Lake Erie State Park, NY
It's a small world, after all.
After Maid of the Mist and delicious fish n' chips at Betty's we headed to Dunkirk, Pennsylvania. Why Dunkirk, you ask? Well, Kris had to visit a winery there. The town is very small, but it does have a Cold Stone (yes!) and it is on the edge of Lake Erie.

Another plus, Dunkirk is home to Lake Erie State Park - a beautiful, green, tree-filled lake-front park. My dad, Russell, and I decided to spend the day at the park while Kris was working. Russell and I slacklined, and even my dad tried (pretty good for a first timer). Unfortunately, while I was slacklining over the grass and wildflowers, I apparently stepped on a bee and was stung right on the bottom of my foot! I scraped off the pulsing stinger, but a portion of the stinger remained in my foot and I couldn't get it out. I just ignored it and went on with my day. Yes, this is the bee sting I wrote about that ended up swollen for three days.

After leaving the park the three of us headed out to lunch. We found a great little place, called Barcelona Café, with spectacular food, all home made. Mmmm...

Barcelona Harbor
Beached boat and grape vines.
Then we went to the winery, picked up Kris, and headed to the airport in Buffalo for the flight back to New York. But first, a stop at PF Chang's for delicious lettuce wraps and soup! Good thing we ate, because our flight was delayed, and once we boarded we had to wait on board the plane for 50 minutes before takeoff - no problem, though, I had a great book and sudoku. 

Oh and we had to pass through those full body scanners. I did feel a little violated that these men who I don't know were basically able to see me naked. Glad I have a good level of self confidence with my body.

Empress Anne's Creations - Check it out!

So, my girl Anne recently created a totally rad blog. She is the gal who taught me how to crochet. As you can tell, she is a zen master at it - among other things. Ch-ch-check it out:

Love the rainbow hats!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Betty's Restaurant - Chippawa, Niagara, Ontario, Canada

Betty's Restaurant
Betty's Restaurant
We were recommended to Betty's Restaurant by the first aid guy that helped Kris with her bloody finger - your remember him, I wrote a post about him saying in Canada, "first aid, like health care, is free". He told us to get the fish n' chips, but cautioned that the servings are huge. We all went there after our ride on the Main of the Mist. Russell and I ordered the fish n' chips - double portion to share - as did my dad and Kris. This size of the double place was easily enough to leave all of us stuffed, and I think a single plate could have probably done the job as well.

I have to give this place an A+ for friendly service and delicious food. I definitely recommend it.

Maid of the Mist: Niagara Falls Up Close and Personal

Maid of the Mist, Niagara Falls
Horseshoe Falls
For our last day in Canada we headed back to Niagara Falls and took an up close and personal look at the falls on the boat Maid of the Mist - and it was AWESOME! You can get on the boat either on the American side or the Canadian side, we chose the Canadian side - obviously, since we were in Canada.

First, I got my lovely blue rain poncho, slipped it on, then boarded the Maid of the Mist. The boat first cruises past American and Bridalveil Falls, then heads to Horseshoe Falls - this is where the huge excitement begins! The churning water below is like a hot tub with jets blasting full power, the falls are roaring all around you, and mist is coming from all directions! So great!

Maid of the Mist
Enjoying the Maid of the Mist
Since I have a super awesome waterproof camera I was able to take some really great photos and video. This is a blessing and a curse - great photos, but I found that I was spending too much time looking at the falls through my digital screen than actually taking the falls in. Good thing that I had the presence of mind to notice, and took time to put my camera down and really take in the immensity and power of the falls.

I think everybody would have agreed that the Maid of the Mist was the highlight of our visit to Niagara Falls (besides enjoying each others company, of course). I would highly recommend the maid of the Mist to anyone visiting Niagara Falls. If you aren't able to go on the boat ride at least go to the viewing deck on the Canadian side - it is a really great view!
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada
View from the viewing deck