Friday, March 11, 2011

Santa Barbara, California Tidal Wave

Russell and I just got back from the beach and the tide is very high and the waves are unusually large. The updated warning say that these sea conditions will continue throughout the day and we may even see an increase - but really no big deal.

On another note, I want to point out that the current Republican budget proposal gives MAJOR cuts to the federal organizations that monitor, issue alerts, and prepare for tsunamis (as well as other natural disasters and natural disaster relief). If the budget were to go through 12 warning centers throughout the US would be shut down, with each warning center serving 2.5 million people. No good.

Also, a nuclear reactor in Japan is serious condition after the earthquake. Thousands of people are being evacuated and the US military has sent over an emergency supply of coolant because the reactor is overheating, which could lead to a meltdown. This is why nuclear power, especially in California, is not a good option.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I wonder if anyone has thought about the so-called "big one" and what repercussions it would bring not so much in quake damage but tidal waves. Long shot I know, but I would be curious.
